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Mesa County and the US Fish and Wildlife Service Establish Updated MOU

During this week's Oct. 3 administrative public hearing, the commissioners signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Mesa County and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Oct 06, 2023

Information, News

First-Ever Spanish Sample Ballots Available on Mesa County Website

Are you a Spanish-speaking Mesa County voter?

The 2023 Coordinated Election is coming up, and for the first time, Spanish Sample Ballots are available on the Mesa County website.

Oct 05, 2023

Elections, Information

DA's Office hires joint state/federal attorney for highway interdiction cases

The 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office has hired an attorney for a new role that will allow the office to file highway interdiction cases involving alleged drug smuggling to be filed in federal court instead of state court.

Oct 01, 2023


West Nile virus season ends, Respiratory illness season begins

Find data summaries for West Nile virus, COVID-19, flu, and RSV.

Oct 04, 2023

Information, COVID-19, What's Going Around

Student Takes Initiative to Clean Vandalized New Rocky Mountain Park Playground

A young student did a touching act of community service at the newly established playground at Rocky Mountain Elementary Park, right behind Rocky Mountain Elementary School.

Oct 04, 2023

Blog Post, Information, News

County Asks Governor for Senior Services Funding

The Board of Mesa County Commissioners approved a letter to formally request Governor Jared Polis to consider an increase in funding for senior services in the upcoming fiscal year state budget. This decision comes in light of Colorado's status as one of the nation's fastest-aging states, with one in five residents aged 60 or older. In Mesa County, this ratio rises to one in four.

Oct 03, 2023
