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Colorado Parks and Wildlife finds zebra mussel larvae in Colorado River and Government Highline Canal

Please see the following information from Colorado Parks and Wildlife concerning zebra mussel veligers found in the Colorado River and Government Highline Canal this month.

Jul 16, 2024

Announcements, Information, News

What’s going around Mesa County this summer

This summer, our team is seeing COVID-19 and cases involving gastrointestinal illnesses.

Jul 16, 2024

Health Alert, Information, Press Release

Report noxious weeds

Have you noticed new wild plants growing in your yard? Despite their beauty, they may be noxious weeds, harming our native vegetation and reducing agricultural productivity.

Jul 16, 2024

Announcements, Information

Grand Valley Transit offering fare-free service for a limited time

Fare-free public transportation is back this summer in Mesa County! At the July 9 public hearing, Commissioners approved an agreement with the Colorado Association of Transit Agencies (CASTA) for a $234,895 grant that will allow Grand Valley Transit (GVT) to offer riders service free of fare from July 1, 2024, through Aug. 31, 2024.

Jul 15, 2024

Announcements, Information, Video

Riverfront Trail connection agreement approved

The Riverfront Trail is one step closer to becoming a fully connected pathway! During the July 9 administrative public hearing, the Mesa County Board of Commissioners approved an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Grand Junction and Colorado Parks and Wildlife to purchase the title for property needed to connect existing sections of the Riverfront Trail. This will allow for the construction of the missing section of trail between Las Colonias Park and 29 Road. The three agencies will each pay for one-third of the nearly $1.7 million property, with the County’s share amounting to $555,000 plus applicable closing costs.

Jul 12, 2024

Announcements, Information, Video

CORRECTION: Animal Services is seeking dog and cat food donations to support our community

We want to clarify a recent message and provide you with accurate information about our recent request for pet food. First and foremost, our shelter is not struggling to feed our animals. All our furry friends at the shelter are well-fed and cared for.

Jul 12, 2024

Announcements, Information