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A mountain is on fire with grey brow smoke emanating from the flames.

Current fire restrictions

Stage 1 Fire Restrictions go into effect at 12:01 am on August 2, 2024.

You can view the latest fire information for the region on our interactive map.

Fire Restriction Map

Visit the Air Quality Conditions page for Open Burning Restrictions on the Mesa County Public Health website.

Air Quality Conditions

Information on fire restrictions in Mesa County

In Mesa County, the authority to enact fire restrictions is delegated to the Sheriff by county ordinance. The Sheriff enacts fire restrictions during times of the year when conditions are extremely dry.

Fire restrictions are implemented based on specific criteria:

  • Moisture content of vegetation
  • Weather outlooks
  • Human risk factors
  • Firefighting resource availability

Devastating effects of wildfire

It is CRITICAL that visitors and residents do everything possible to protect our lands, homes, and wildlife areas.


Fire restrictions factors

There are different levels of restrictions depending on the severity of the wildfire conditions. When we enter fire restrictions, we will work with our stakeholders to communicate what types of activities are allowed and what activities are not allowed, according to the fire restriction level.


Information on fire restrictions throughout Colorado

For information regarding fire restrictions in counties throughout Colorado, visit the Fire Restrictions website on the Department of Public Safety - Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 

Colorado Fire Restrictions

Do I need a permit to burn?

When the Sheriff enacts fire restrictions due to unsafe burning conditions

  • Agricultural burning will ONLY be allowed through a permitting process at the Sheriff’s Office.
  • An on-site safety visit must be completed by the Fire Marshal BEFORE a permit is issued.
  • Allow a minimum of 2 business days for processing of a permit.

Fire Restrictions - Agriculture Burn Permit Application (Revised 2021)

If there are NO Fire Restrictions

Mesa County Public Health issues permits for open burning for agricultural and residential burning during open burn season.

Visit the Burn Permits page on the Mesa County Health Department website.

Stage 1 fire restrictions facts

Graphic for Fire Restrictions  Stage 1 List of Allowed and Not allowed

Allowed during Stage 1 fire restrictions

Fires may be allowed:

  • In permanent fire pits or fire rings at private residences.
  • In fire features, chimeneas, or tiki torches at private residences supervised by a responsible adult.
  • Within developed recreation sites, such as a campground or picnic area. 
  • If contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves, lanterns, or heating devices.

Agricultural burns may be allowed:

  • With a Mesa County Sheriff's Office Issued Permit ONLY!
  • The Mesa County Fire Marshal will do a safety inspection prior to issuing a permit.

NOT Allowed during State 1 fire restrictions

  •  Personal use of fireworks 
  • Any fire or campfire not within a permanently constructed fire grate
    • In a developed park or picnic area
    • Campground
    • Private residence
  • Smoking 
    • EXCEPT within an enclosed vehicle or building or a developed recreation site.
    • While stopped in an area of at least six feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all combustible material.
  • Operating or using any internal combustion engine, such as chainsaws, without a spark-arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working order.
  • Welding or operating Acetylene or other torches with an open flame 
    • EXCEPT in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter, you MUST have a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher.
  • Target Shooting with explosive targets is not permitted.

Fire Restrictions - Stage 1- Fact Sheet

Stage 2 Fire Restrictions Facts

Graphic of Fire Restrictions Stage 2 List of Allowed and Not Allowed

NOT Allowed during Stage 2 Fire Restrictions

Stage 2 restrictions prohibit the use of anything that produces an open flame that is not liquid-fueled or gas-fueled.

  • Building, maintaining or using
    • Fire
    • Campfire
    • Charcoal grill
    • Coal
    • Wood-burning stove
    • Sheepherder's stove
  • This also includes
    • Firepits, chimineas, or Tiki torches in developed picnic, camping areas, and private residences.
  • Parking or driving a motor vehicle off established
    • Roads
    • Motorized trails
    • Parking areas
    • Unless the area has no vegetation within 10 feet of the vehicle.
  • Shooting tracer rounds or explosive-type targets
  • Use of explosives including:
    • Fuses
    • Blasting caps
    • Rockets
  • The use of ANY fireworks 
  • Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
  • Any unpermitted use of fire to burn debris or vegetation.
  • Welding or operating Acetylene or other torches with an open flame 
    • EXCEPT in cleared areas of at least 10 feet in diameter, you MUST have a chemical pressurized fire extinguisher.
  • Activity Prohibited on Federal Land.

Allowed during Stage 2 Fire Restrictions

  • Only devices that are liquid-fueled or gas-fueled are permitted.
    • Gas grills, stoves, and lanterns with shut-off valves may be used at least three feet away from flammable materials such as dry vegetation.
  • Gas fire pits - as the fire can be "turned off" rather than "put out."
  • Agricultural burns
    • With a Sheriff's Office Issued Permit ONLY!
    • Mesa County Fire Marshal will do a safety inspection prior to issuing a permit.

Fire Restrictions - Stage 2 - Fact Sheet