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Best management practices

Thank you for taking the time to review and apply Best Management Practices (BMP) for stormwater quality in our community.

Through education and steadfast improvements, we can protect our rivers and preserve our local fish and wildlife.

Photograph of the inside of an Auto Shop garage with three vehicles on lifts, two vehicle lifted up, employees working on the vehicles

Material storage

  • Store all containers under cover to protect from rain and snow.
  • Use secondary containment devices or construct dikes/curbs to contain any possible leaks.
  • Close and secure any opened containers.

Spills and leaks

  • Keep a spill kit appropriate for the materials you use handy and stocked, ready for use.
  • Use drip pans for leaking vehicles.
  • Clean up spills immediately.
  • Use absorbent material or containment berms for liquid spills.
  • Always use dry methods to clean spills (sweeping) and never hose down the area.
  • Drain fluids from leaking or wrecked vehicles as soon as possible.

Cleaners and solvents

  • Read labels carefully and follow directions.
  • Dispose of unused portions properly, and follow appropriate cleanup practices.
  • Collect wastes for recycling or proper disposal.
  • Whenever possible, purchase water-based cleaning products. Look for products labeled “non-toxic” and “readily biodegradable.”


  • Prevent polluted runoff by covering all dumpsters and replace leaky ones.
  • Keep the area around the dumpsters free of trash.
  • Ensure trash is properly bagged before placing it in the dumpster.

Best management practices flyer