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Learn about our team

Adolescent Services or the Adolescent Team is a multidisciplinary team made up of case managers whose work specializes in youth in conflict behaviors (substance use, delinquency charges, family systems issues). Due to the presenting behaviors, cases on the Adolescent team often come through referrals from families who request services or through the juvenile delinquency court by way of court ordered out of home placement assessments or delinquent reviews.

Primary duties include

  • Attending court hearings
  • Engaging  and conducting interviews with youth and families
  • Writing formal reports for the court
  • Meeting with community agencies
  • Educating families about and referring them to community services/agencies
  • Advocating for youth and families in settings such as school and court
  • Making referrals to placement agencies if looking for placements for youth in MCDHS custody
  • Conducting a minimum of monthly home visits with youth and families
  • Attending Family Engagement Meetings and Permanency Round Table Meetings
  • Partnering with multiple systems and agencies to ensure the best interest of the youth and family and for collaboration and continuity of care (this may  be across the county, in other counties, or nationwide)
  • Maintaining up-to-date records in the case file for the youth and family (including school reports, medical and dental records, therapy reports, service authorizations)
  • Documenting visits and meetings with families and communication with service providers

The Adolescent Team may be involved with families voluntarily or by order of the court. Some of the families served by the Adolescent team are also involved in the juvenile victim court through a Dependency and Neglect case. Families may be involved for a short time, through a 60 day assessment. They may also be involved for a longer period through an ongoing in home or out of home case.

Mesa County Passages

Mesa County Passages offers a variety of programs and experiences to help you transition from foster care to an independent adulthood, where you feel strong, capable, successful, valued, and loved. All programs are voluntary, directed by you, and confidential. We respect and honor your choices.

  • Coaching services and life skills education

  • Weekly coaching focused on YOUR goals & desires.

  • Housing vouchers and support to help you obtain independent housing.  

  • DHS Transition Services: While you are gaining independence your living situation could be an independent living program, transitional living program, or a family foster home. You will maintain all of your rights as an adult while partnering with Mesa County DHS for a few months or a few years.

Mesa County Passages

What services are available to my family?

Here is a list of types of services provided through Mesa County Department of Human Services. Please note that not every service listed may be available to you and your family. At some point you will be asked by your case manager or mental health worker to provide input about the services you believe you and your family need. Your case manager will work with you to get your family services. Please browse the list and contact your case manager with any questions you may have.
