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The purpose of Colorado’s Child Support Services Program is to ensure children receive regular financial and medical support from both parents. Regardless of their living situation or relationship, both parents should provide the financial, medical, and emotional support a child needs to grow into a responsible adult. The program offers different types of services to help both the custodial and non-custodial parent. Here are some helpful facts to learn more about Mesa County Department of Human Services (MCDHS) Child Support Services:

  • MCDHS Child Support Services can help families locate non-custodial parents, establish paternity, establish child and medical support orders, enforce or modify support orders, connect with employment and training programs, and connect with community resources to assist with various challenges.
  • Child Support Services are neutral and do not represent either party; the amount of child support set is based on income and other guidelines.
  • The Family Support Registry (FSR) is the payment processing entity for child support. The FSR keeps accurate, legal records of all child support payments.
  • The payment of child support is positively associated with a child’s social and emotional well-being and academic success. Experts have estimated that a dollar of child support has a greater benefit to that child than a dollar received solely from assistance programs. In Mesa County, the return on investment cost-effectiveness ratio for every dollar spent is $6.85.
  • Overseeing a caseload of nearly 6,000 cases, we work with families to ensure the payment of over $1.1 million in child support on average each month.
  • Child Support Services works collaboratively with Workforce Center's Employment and Training Programs to ensure that non-custodial parents have the financial means to provide for their children.
  • It's easy to apply or make a payment through the State website:
Workforce Center
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Kids playing on the lawn in front of a school.