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Did you know you can help improve driving conditions in Mesa County with just a few clicks? Our Road Problem Reporter tool makes it easy for you to report road issues directly to our Road and Bridge team, ensuring quicker resolutions and safer roads for everyone.

Whether it's a pothole, improper drainage, or a traffic issue, your input is invaluable in helping us keep our roads in top shape. 

What you can report:

  • Potholes
  • Improper drainage
  • Traffic issues
  • Other road issues

How it works:
Simply visit, click on Departments and Services, and navigate to the Public Works section. From there, use our Road Problem Reporter tool to submit a detailed report and attach photos of the issue. It’s that easy!

Why it matters:
By reporting road problems, you play a vital role in maintaining the safety and quality of Mesa County roads. Your participation helps us address issues more efficiently, leading to faster fixes and better driving conditions for all residents.

Join us in making Mesa County a more pleasant place to drive. Report any road issues you encounter and be a part of the solution.

Road and Bridge
Potholes on the road with yellow text reading, "Report a road problem," and a white search bar with black text reading "," with the white Mesa County logo on the bottom right corner.