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Colorado River water is the lifeblood of Mesa County and the western U.S. as a whole, and the protection of this resource is crucial for the future prosperity of our community. For this reason, Commissioners approved a letter to Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper in support of the Colorado River Water Conservation District’s (Colorado River District’s) effort to acquire and permanently protect the Shoshone water rights at their July 30 administrative public hearing. The letter is from the Western District of Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI), which consists of 16 counties on the Western Slope, including Mesa County.

The Shoshone hydroelectric plant is owned by Xcel Energy and is located alongside the Colorado River in Glenwood Canyon. It produces 15 megawatts of electricity and holds some of the largest and most senior non-consumptive water rights on the river, dating back to 1902. An agreement to transfer ownership of these water rights was signed with Xcel Energy in December 2023 for $98.5 million, and the Colorado River District is currently in the process of securing funds for the transfer. Xcel will continue to own and operate the hydroelectric plant, but full ownership of the non-consumptive Shoshone water rights will transfer to the Colorado River District.

Non-consumptive water can be protected from diversion and allowed to continue flowing at a specific rate for a prescribed benefit, which is especially beneficial for water conservation purposes in drought situations and for ensuring flow rates are maintained to protect endangered species.

Administration and permanent protection of the Shoshone water rights by the Colorado River District will:

  • Maintain Colorado’s agricultural and recreational industries.
  • Maintain and improve water quality.
  • Ensure ample stream flow to maintain ecosystem benefits and support endangered fish species in the river.

This agreement is a critical first step toward permanent protection of the benefits provided by the Shoshone water rights. It is a significant step toward ensuring stable and sustainable water flow for our region’s agricultural, recreational, economic, and ecological needs.

To learn more about the Shoshone Water Right Preservation Coalition and Campaign, visit the website.

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River surrounded by canyons and greenery.